If you are reading this section then quite possibly you are interested in the adventure of starting a new dealership. This is exciting and we hope the information contained will wet your appetite and assist you in making the next step to see your business dreams eventual.


We are very loyal to our dealers. We walk side by side with our new dealers for up to 6 months and more. During the training period, dealers and staff can enjoy returns and income. We also continue our ongoing assistance and partnership with all our dealers after the training period by providing comprehensive dealership business support, marketing materials and other staff training initiatives. Wherever you operate in the world, we can succeed as a team.

You can rest assured, as you take the big step into a new business venture, Autozkin will be with you on the journey, guiding and mentoring as needed.

• Management Mentoring Initiative
• Secondment of Autozkin Installers
• Business Venue and Operational Set Up
• Staff Training
• Marketing Support